Saturday, December 31, 2011

Parque Kennedy

To begin preparations for ringing in the New Year, my roommate and I took a stroll to the main park in our district of Lima for some "chifa," or chinese food. Like most large capital cities around the world, Lima is the sum of various neighborhoods, districts, boroughs, and the like. I live in the district of Miraflores, which is a more touristy area known for being more upscale compared to the rest of Lima. There are trendy shops, restaurants, and malls that stretch all the way to the Pacific Coast, which with numerous flower-filled parks peppered within, create a beautiful and exciting part of the city to live in. Add in the famous "Calle de las Pizzas" or "Pizza Street," a popular stretch of bars and restaurants full of nightlife, and you now officially have my attention, Miraflores.

Kennedy Park, Miraflores

(As a quick aside for my trivia friends out there: The Battle of Miraflores was a part of the War of the Pacific, which involved Chilean and Peruvian forces duking it out in today's site of Miraflores. Back in the late 1800's as the Southern American countries were adjusting to a relatively new independence from Spain [which is worth noting they achieved together], they began squabbling over land, resources, and power. Sparing the full details, Chile came in, reigned victorious, and eventually took over the whole capital of Lima, burning buildings and ransacking monuments in their wake. Heathens! Anyhow, given this history Miraflores is known as the "Heroic City," which I don't fully understand since it was a battle that they lost (or maybe they are trying to be ironic...?). Maybe peruvians have a slightly different definition of the word "heroic" than I do, but I digress.....)

No visit to Miraflores would be complete without seeing the main park, Parque Kennedy. This lives up to the Miraflores name as its grassy fields are garnished with patches of colorful flowers, or flores (Mom, have you been keeping up with your Spanish classes?!).  Sidewalks criss-cross their way through the well-kempt grounds and a mix of modern shops and bars line the surrounding streets amidst old, impressive churches. There are three things I particularly like about this park besides its obvious natural beauty and serenity.

1. Its shape does not fit into a standard city block (read: non-quadrangular). Not quite sure why, but its unique shape makes it feel more natural and special to me.

2. The central "benches." I have not seen seating areas like this anywhere else in the world except here in Lima and I love them. These holes are like mini-amphitheaters in the center of the park, where people can get together and pass the day. There is another stretch of these benches in downtown Lima, which I plan to visit very soon. Last time I saw them in July people were performing music in them to hoards of people circled around. Very cool.

  A Perfect Circle

Cat nap

3. (thunder, Thunder, THUNDER) CATS (hooooooooo)!!!! Yes, I am by far a dog person, but admittedly do not have much of a problem with our feline friends and here in Kennedy Park there are plenty of them. I am still unclear on the how or why, but the park is home to a myriad of cats. It's as if you took Peter Pan and his Lost Boys, turned them all into cats, and set them loose on the Neverland of Miraflores. Cats done gone rogue all over this pastural paradise.

I have since decided to not ask any more questions on how or why these guys are allowed to roam around, as I think the mystery enhances my appreciation for them. All I can tell you is that someone is leaving out strategically placed tupperware full of Fancy Feast, that keeps these cats fed and happy (Exhibit A: Above feline napping in the shade).

Checkin' out the scene

Ready to pounce (stealth attack)

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