Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It´s wild to think another year is nearly in the books. You would think that after experiencing so many New Year´s celebrations that I would be use to it by now, but as each year comes and goes I continue to be baffled each December 31st when that blinding ball of lights drops in Times Square and we roll into another year.

Certainly we have all had our own personal ups & downs, adventures, and reasons that made 2011 special or memorable to us individually, but it is hard to ignore the world events of the past year that have defined our race over these past 365 days. Some events already long forgotten and others to be remembered for eternity.

I found this link on another friend´s blog and really enjoyed it. I think the pictures are overwhelmingly powerful and worth a look back to reflect on the past year.

Powerful Photos 2011

 A woman cries while sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan after the massive earthquake and tsunami. (Reuters / ASAHI SHIMBUN)

I encourage everyone to take a quick look at these photos and a look back on what was 2011.

Wherever 2012 may lead us, I hope it is a success for all of you indicually and more peaceful for us all as brothers.  

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