Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day

This one goes out to all the moms out there, and especially to the #1 mom of them all, my beautiful mother!

Mom, because of you I am the unique, special, and caring person that I am today. Because of you I learned how to be a good person, to treat others the way I want to be treated, and to appreciate everything I have in this world, large or small.

And because of you, mom, whether I really am that unique, special, or caring, I truly believe it because you truly believed it and you have always, truly, believed in me. Your constant love, support, and care has never allowed me once to doubt that at least one person in this world - that can seem so big at times – truly believes in me and loves me. This has been extremely valuable to me over the years, especially since it has been nearly 10 years since I “flew the nest” and made it out into this crazy world alone, away from the comforts of living at home with mama bird. As lonely as I can feel at times, as lost as I can get in a new country, or as unsure as I might be of myself at times, I know deep down that you will always be there to love me no matter what.

Yesterday, I took a walk – not just any stroll, but a 4 hour trek – to the district of Chorrillos in Lima. It’s about 2 districts away from where I live. I had never been to Chorrillos before, but I had see it from afar. When you look down the Pacific coast from Miraflores (where I live) there is a brightly lit crucifix and a statue of Jesus Christ basking in purple lights that are impossible to ignore when looking out into the ocean at night. Yesterday, I set out on foot to walk to this point along the coast and along the way I was pleasantly surprised to find a park dedicated to all mothers around the world.


The plaque reads:

M (Mother, a sublime and marvelous word that means)
A (love of a woman.)
D (God created you so that the world remains firm)
R (I pray for you so that I am never without you or your)
E (example so that we are all good children.)

(Notice the first letters spell madre, mother)

What coincidence that I would stumble across this beautiful park one day before Mother’s Day?

Needless to say, it made me think of you, which I do every day.

I love you mom, have a great day!

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