Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone!

I was unable to snap any photos of our feast before the hungry vultures (myself included) swooped in armed with knives, forks, or just their greasy digits to enjoy the bounty. Since Guatemalans do not celebrate Thanksgiving, it was a long work day in the office awaiting the mouth-watering spread that awaited us for our evening dinner. Mashed potatoes, greenbean casseroles, cranberry, pumpkin pies, baked macaroni & cheese, and of course turkey aplenty kept everyone satisfied. As I mixed and matched flavors in a single, large plate I began to feel for just a second that I was back home in the great U S of A. Kudos to the chefs!

My wonderful friends put on a feast for Americans, Canadians, Scottish, and our Guatemalan friends alike.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and no one got peppered sprayed at Walmart to ring in their Black Friday (Can you believe it?!)

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