Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Eyes to the Skies

I love catching glimpses of the 5 PM sky while walking through Antigua on my way home as the sun begins to set, which sets the clouds aglow with just the right tinge of lasting sunlight as the afternoon enters night.

Volcan Agua

However, while walking home the other day I couldn't help but notice the beautiful contrast in the clear blue sky that hung above me. Fortunately, I had my camera handy, which is an increasingly rare occurrence, and was able to snap some photos.

White to blue

The white almost looks like a cloud, no? It was hard to capture and I wish the photo did it more justice; it was simply beautiful. This was no cloud, but rather the sky was simply whiter beyond some inexplicable line in the sky - it fascinated me immensely. 

 Light rays

In this photo you can again see the contrasting white and blue skies. The way the light rays streak out from afar almost makes it appear as if there is a bright white sunrise occurring just beyond the hill in the distance. However, I was heading due east on my way home at 5 PM and the sunset was happening completely at my back at this point - the sun was no where in sight in this view. This mystery is what seemed to captivate further. Pretty wild, eh?

Where is Bill Nye the Science Guy when you need him?

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