Wednesday, September 14, 2011

¡Viva la Revolucion!

Guatemala celebrates its independence on September 15 every year, and certainly this year shall be no different.

Starting today, a day early, people are celebrating with parades throughout the streets to honor their country’s independence.

A brief history for those history nerds out there like me: Back during the Spanish conquest, Guatemala existed as a Kingdom under the rule Spain, or more commonly referred to as the Captaincy General of Guatemala. This included parts of today’s southern Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and of course present-day Guatemala. While there was some local autonomy, all was overseen by Spain and their viceroy in Mexico City.

In the early 1800s independence movements were abound, but easily suppressed. Turmoil also wreaked Spain as power struggles were prevalent and accordingly its territories far across the Atlantic took advantage of Spain’s vulnerability. This Central American Supergroup finally successfully declared independence from Spain on September 15, 1821, but was quickly swallowed up by Mexico, or “New Spain,” which had previously declared their independence September 16, 1810 and just finished up a bloody war with Spain. Fortunately for our Central American friends, this was short-lived and Mexico let her chicks flee the nest in 1823, allowing them to choose their own destiny regarding independence.

So, while Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua all share September 15 as their common independence day, one can see there is still a bit more to the story. The Central American Supergroup only lasted until civil war broke out between 1838-1840, eventually leading to the formation of each individual country as we know them today. 

Guatemalan Flag: White stripe representing land between the Pacific & Atlantic Oceans

Anywho, so much for “brief”….

On my way to work today I stumbled across a parade full of elementary students marching through the streets, dancing, waving Guatemalan flags, and playing musical instruments all in the name of Guatemalan independence. 

Student Marching Band



Woody Woodpecker, Speedy Gonzalez, & Friends

Dancing mimes, senior citizens, and clowns

Dance, Dance, Dance

Holy Cow(girls)!

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