Sunday, February 27, 2011

Go With Christ

I was a bit surprised to read that Guatemala is only roughly 50-60% self-identified as Catholic. Of course, who knows how accurate this number is, but I tend to trust Wikipedia more than I trust even myself, so we'll assume that figure is at least in the right ballpark. Anyhow, even though the country has a lower Catholic population than neighboring Mexico, there is no shortage of religious pride here.

Without digging too much into the how or why the people believe in what they do, I'd like to just share a slice of this pride for those who haven't seen, or might not know what I mean, when I mention "religion in Central America." Certainly, there are many other practices outside of christianity/Catholicism, but the latter is something that enters your life on a daily basis here whether you want it to or not.

Sign on a boat reminding me that Jesus Christ is the only path

Gentle reminder that after death comes The Judgement

It seems the Chicken Bus is the preferred canvas for displaying one's piety and devotion to El Señor.

(The quick skinny on Chicken Buses: they're old, Blue Bird school buses that made their way down to Guatemala from the US after being deemed too old, too unsafe, pollute too much, etc for use by our precious gringo children back home in the States. These are more often than not packed at least 3 to a seat with people filling the aisles as well. The only rule there seems to be on the Chicken Bus is there is always enough space for another passenger despite the fact that you're nearly sitting on a stranger's lap.)

Anyhow, there seem to be 3 unspoken mandates here in Guatemala regarding the decor for Chicken Buses. They must follow 1 or all of the following 3 themes:

1. Expressing your love for a woman in your life
2. Expressing your devotion for Jesus Christ/God/El Señor
3. Use of children's cartoon characters

Not the best shot, but this bus is named after Geraldine (presumably the driver's lover)
My God is real/kingly (I guess YOURS is not...)
Dashboard Jesus
Good shot of all 3 (Cartoons, "May God bless Fernandita," and "Sexy girl")

And of course we can't forget our friends next door, El Salvador. Afterall, the country is named after our Savior. Sitting down for breakfast the other weekend, I reached for a napkin to wipe the greasy remnants of my delicious morning quesadilla from my mouth and I was reminded that while I may lack many things in life, God is not one of them. Phew!

1 comment:

  1. haitian tap taps share a similar decor- jesus, women and american cartoons...but when you really think about it, aren't they all just the same...
