Sunday, November 25, 2012

Set Free

Nothing has prepared me for this moment, but I feel as if I’ve lived my whole life for the very next 30 seconds that await me. The countless pairs of unfamiliar hands, which have nurtured me and brought me to this launching pad, now applaud my best efforts to crawl my way into this vast abyss they call my future.

Lead. I will follow.

Not a single soul, including myself, has any idea what awaits me, and despite the tumultuous waves collapsing before me like the brittle walls of a gingerbread home rotting in late March, I feel the serene repose of what lies deep beneath the ostensible turmoil. A deep emptiness lies before me asking me to fill it - and I will.

Costa del Sol, El Salvador

Something innate pushes me to the brink. Something intrinsic assures me that I am ready to take this plunge. It’s as if the millions of others who have come before me sing a sweet chorus in unison with the rhythmically swelling waters that hypnotically lulls me into the salty embrace of the ocean. You lead, I will follow. I am blissfully blind.

Beware: The Water

The weighty burden of each grain of sand upon my arms makes this otherwise simple task rather onerous. But upon second thought, what now seems to sap every last bit of energy as I maladroitly squirm to accomplish this Herculean task is but a small taste of the exhaustion that awaits me as I set out into this world of the unknown.

Palatial Castles

Convinced you’ve done the world a favor, I’ve finally made my way to the sea. An extra round of applause for yourself under the guise of your jubilation for my feats today, you take solace in telling yourself you’ve done something good; however, we all know I will be dead soon. You brought me here knowing that I would not succeed.

My, how the ocean has a peaceful way of soothing a guilty conscience.

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