Thursday, March 24, 2011

Doña Chula

Even before setting foot in Guatemala I had thoughts of spending my days in Central America with a dog at my side. Having grown up with the most incredible dog in the world (RIP Snoopy), I was eager after a long hiatus from pet-ownership to get back on the wagon. Figuring I'd have a bit more extra time on my hands in a new country before knowing the lay of the land, I figured a new pup would be the perfect companion to explore my new life and country together.

Casually strolling down the main street that runs along the west end of Antigua, Avenida Santa Lucia, I stumbled across a pet store one day. Otherwise easy to miss among the other knick-knack stores and cafes along the street, this tienda jumped out at me as 3 cages of puppies were prominently displayed in the door way making it nearly impossible to ignore the tiny critters cuddling up among each other and competing for attention from passersby.

Here I spotted a a 4 month old dachshund that reminded me of my loving Snoopy were it not for her brown/red coat (where as Snoop Dogg sported the black and tan look). I affectionately named her Maní (peanut) and visited her nearly every day over the course of 2 weeks hoping I'd soon save up the money and buy her love.

Well this story doesn't have much of a happy ending for Maní, at least that I know of. As it would turn out another perrita would storm her way into my heart.

As I made my way early one Saturday morning on a walk to the vista overlooking the city of Antigua, I came across a neighbor holding a puppy that caught my eye. I felt particularly social that morning and decided to chat the man up to know more about his puppy and steal a pet or two. As you would have it, the man tells me he is selling said puppy as well as 2 others. After showing off his lot to me and some jabs from his friends ("This one looks like the daddy! (points to man selling the puppy), I decided I was in the market for a puppy. After the man told me the price, I was definitely in the market for a new puppy.


The price of a value meal at McDonald's. Yes, that is how much I paid for this precious perrita. Count it: $3 dollars. I couldn't help but evaluate every purchase I made for the next few days: "A liter of beer in town Saturday night...that cost me 2 Chulas," "The bag of dog food that weighs as much as the dog itself...that will be 1.5 Chulas," or  "Three cans of Mt. Dew from the local importer...that will be 1 Chula."

Given her name means cute, adorable, pretty I think we can all agree I got a bargain of a deal.

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