Monday, February 14, 2011

#1 American Sports Fans

People watching in undoubtedly one of the finest and most entertaining ways to pass the time no matter where you might be in the world. I particularly find it even more entertaining while among a foreign land, culture, and people. The X-Factor that is a foreign land really brings about some gems to the well-trained American eye.

Each person-watcher has their own taste and items that call their attention, but what particularly floats my boat is finding hand-me-down American sports apparel among a land far removed from the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL. Hell, even the MLS has its niche down here ('Hey Doug, what's MLS?', you ask... Yeah, I forget the great US of A even has a pro-soccer league too. Sorry, Hooper...)

Jaime Moreno (aka greatest MLS player ever)?

Anyhow, I can't help but wonder each time I spot a Guatemalan wearing an old-school Chicago Bulls jersey from the 1990's hey-days, a sweet Starter© Jacket supporting the Carolina Panthers, or a nice Boston Bruins sweater, if this was a well sought out item that they just had to have or (and more likely) if this was something they found at the local thrift store that fit the bill for the day. I've come to conclude the latter and let me share with you the moment that this became painfully clear.

Walking down the street the other day I passed a 14 year old boy wearing a real sharp LA Sparks t-shirt. Yes, you read correctly.....a WNBA t-shirt on a 14 year old boy. Although I'm as big of a fan of the color purple as Prince (THE man), something tells me that no 14 year old boy in the whole world would consciously pick up a WNBA t-shirt at the store one day and sport that thing around town looking for high-fives from all his buddies at school. If I were to break the news to that kid right then and there on the street that he was wearing a WNBA shirt he: 1) would have been utterly confused as even most Americans probably think that league went under years ago (at least I did), and 2) would have probably taken that thing off right then and there and abandoned it in the street. 

I didn't have the heart at the time to ruin that kid's day, so I refrained. 

Although I have witnessed a lot better apparel while camera-less, I've managed to snap a few goodies. Hopefully, I'll have more updates in the future.

Bend It (Yes, I realize not America...)

Willis lookin' good after that nasty knee injury...

Enter Sand/Mailman


  1. A 14 year old wouldn't understand the irrational hatred some old men have for the WNBA. He's never known a world in which that league didn't exist.

  2. Pistons teal jersey Jerry Stackhouse lives in my Nairobi neighborhood. I slap a high five with him every time I see him.
