Sunday, March 26, 2017


It’s funny when you live so far away from where you grew up. When you’re so far away from family and so far away from friends who you knew you when nothing much beyond Saturday morning cartoons, riding bikes, and playing driveway basketball mattered. It’s funny when you have to think in thousands of miles when you think of being home again. And it’s funny – not really “haha” funny – but odd when you find that your heart and mind are still there even though your body is so obviously present somewhere else. It almost makes me laugh when lucid dreams take me back to being 13 years old and – I swear – I can touch and feel him again, like he’s really there next to me in Grand Blanc, Michigan, but then I wake up somewhere else where I can’t even speak the language.

Then again, where and what is “home” anyway? They say it is where the heart is, but what of those who have had their heart split in two? What of all those D4 dopamine receptors and DRD4-7Rs running amok out there? The penetrance of 7R/long alleles coursing through us for 40,000 years and counting. This is the gift of my great- great- great- great- great- great- (ad nauseam) grandmother. Thanks, grandma.

That said, I make the most of finding new inspirations where I can in my current home. Meeting new people, consuming previously-unspoken thoughts, digesting new sunsets, and swimming in new seas of emotion. Below is a random assortment of recent inspirations worth sharing.

Say Uncle


I am an uncle. Twice now (soon to be thrice). I often wonder if I am a good uncle. I tell myself that I am, but there really isn’t an assessment out there to gauge my performance, so who knows. I try to send gifts and make calls to bridge those 3,800 miles, but I know that won’t be enough as they get older.

My niece is beautiful. She reminds me that there are so many little things in life to be excited about, like Hello Kitty. I love that her smile has the power to take me back to 1990 and make me a kid again. Every time I see her laugh I see my brother as a child again. My big brother and I laughing about something of no consequence, but laughing with our entire being, laughing with our entire souls.

Sir Edward Blue Eyes

My nephew is less than a year old, too young to know who I am yet, I suppose, but I hope that changes soon. I look forward to him enlightening me some day in the future about the challenges that kids his age face – how different will his struggle be from those of my day? How similar will they be?


Road to nowhere

How is it that the skies here seem just a bit higher, or that much bluer? I guess two straight weeks of rain and clouds in Bogota can make the skies anywhere else pop.

Serious cirrus

I am the son/sun, and the heir/air

 Now and at the hour of our death

Full Figures

Well rounded

Medellin native, Fernando Botero, made a name for himself depicting the fuller side of life, yet as I walk the streets of Medellin I wonder from where he drew his inspiration. Is fullness happiness? Have we starved ourselves of life? How often have we denied ourselves happiness, fasting with devout piety and confusing our obedience for some sort of greater nobility? Or, is it simply that bigger is better? Either way, some girls are bigger than others.  

Hips don't lie

Adam and Eve 
Why do they have belly buttons? Think about it

Where is my mind?


Villa de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Medellín