Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Zack!

"Yeah, my name is Zack. Just like 'Zack, Zack, he's a Lego Maniac!'"

Pure 1990s, Zack the Lego Maniac

Any kid growing up in the 1990s knows this famous line of commercials just as well as they know the Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song or the Friday night lineup of T.G.I.F.

Not that Zack was such a foreign name to me that it required a helpful mnemonic or song in order for me to remember, but that was just the way you were. It certainly seemed like an odd way to make an introduction and begin our friendship, but then again I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I am left to forever associate legos with you and our friendship.

It is yet again your birthday, my friend, reminding me all about the power of friendship and love. It's been nearly 2 years since you left us and I'd like to think I've continued to make you proud during that long hall of changes and growing. I've explored life in Guatemala, PerĂº, and El Salvador, found myself back in Washington DC once more, and am happily spreading the joys of laughter and music with all my closest friends - the same joys I know you passionately held dear.

I fondly reflect on our many memories on a daily occasion, and I hope you know that I did you proud just this past winter break when I beat the original Contra without dying even one time. A feat we used to spend hours trying to accomplish. Of course you know that though, you were watching and guiding me all the way - how else could I have possibly kept getting Spread?

Always have my back

Your Earthly body is gone, but you guide me every day, Zack. It's too dangerous to go alone.

I wish I had something great to give you this year for your birthday, but all I have is this darn pocket full of legos...